I think the term 'comfort food' is a bit redundant because, ultimately, all food is redundant. Yes, even sprouts, says the girl who once made an emergency run to the supermarket for a chlorophyll fix. However, this mix of honey, orange things, chickpeas and spices is possibly one of the most comforting things I've ever tasted. I made it for one of my SuperLadyFriends the other night when we were in need of a bit of tea and sympathy.
Here is what I made it with. Do try it next time you're feeling fragile.
- A parsnip. I'm quite the parsnip advocate. Cooked well they're sweet and delicious, and you really must toss one into this for full effect.
- A smallish sweet potato.
- A quarter of a butternut pumpkin, aka one half, uhm, halved.
- A red onion, sliced.
- A tin of chick peas
- Around 350ml vege stock
- 1/2 tsp paprika
- 1/4 tsp ginger and cinnamon
- 1 tbsp balsamic
- 1 tbsp honey
- 2 tbsp dried or fresh rosemary
De-skin and chop your veges, slicing the red onion. You'll want them in smallish pieces so they will break down in the pan quickly to feed your aching heart. Toss them all in to a big saucepan, or frypan with lid, with some olive oil and turn over a high heat 'til they're softened at the edges. Throw in the spices and turn 'til the spices combine with the oil. Add the stock then simmer, covered, for around 20 minutes.
When the 20 minutes are up and everything's soft throw in the drained tin of chickpeas, honey, vinegar and rosemary. Bring it to a good strong rolling boil until the liquid is reduced and syrupy.
I know this wasn't the best food writing ever, but I got it all out in the end and I think we all learned something. The avocado was SuperLadyFriend's brainwave, and what a brainwave it was. Then again, is there ever an inappropriate time for avocado?
Food looks a bit... interesting.
What are you implying, Joe?
It is orange mush with chick peas. However, it is delicious orange mush, especially when served with avocado and a side order of luscious norks.
i love that orange mush and am bookmarking it for later use! and shots of boobs never hurt either!
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